Finding My Way (2023)
Archival Print on Cotton Rag
44 x 64 Inches

Casting Sticks

Casting Sticks’ is a collection of images created from photographs of fallen sticks, branches, and other elements of nature lying on snow-covered ground.

Like tea leaves settling at the bottom of a cup or clouds drifting across the sky, they suggest a mood, feeling, or impulse—the genesis of divination. I wonder what my maternal grandmother, Jesse Scott Robinson, who claimed to have Romani blood and would read the fortunes of friends and family, would make of these images.

While each image holds meaning for me, informed by my research of ancient Celtic traditions and rites, the true magic arises when viewers internalize the images and use their suggestive qualities to unlock personal meaning and direction.
Recoil (2023)
Archival Print on Cotton Rag
30 x 40 Inches
Triumph (2023)
Archival Print on Cotton Rag
30 x 40 Inches
Departing (2023)
Archival Print on Cotton Rag
44 x 64 Inches
Above and Below (2023)
Archival Print on Cotton Rag
30 x 40 Inches
Shelter, Home (2023)
Archival Print on Cotton Rag
30 x 40 Inches
looking closely (2023)
Archival Print on Cotton Rag
30 x 40 Inches
Dancing (2023)
Archival Print on Cotton Rag
30 x 40 Inches
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